Uncategorized / 15 posts found
Is It Hard To Mount A TV On Brick Wall?
One unique advantage of flat screen TVs is that you can hang them on your wall. Unlike bulky TVs that require a significant amount of space, today’s TV can be mounted on the wall and made to look like artwork.But, even as beautiful and stylish as these TVs are, mounting them on a brick wall has been challenging. Which brings us to the question – how difficult is it to mount a TV on a brick wall? Of course, hanging a TV on a brick can be demanding, but it is feasible. So, let us go over everything you need […]
4 Reasons Smart TVs Fall Off The Wall?
Can My Walls hold a Television? Five years in the TV Installation business and this is the most common question I get. For those questioning should keep my TV on the stand or put it on the wall, installing a tv can be hard and nerve wrecking. Today, I’d like to give the 4 common causes of why TVs fall off the wall. Moisture Moisture is a big culprit for bad TV mounting jobs. Moisture can soften drywall and can cause TV mounts to pull from the wall. This can be especially dangerous when mountain TVs in basements, bathrooms and […]
What You Need To Know Before Mounting Your TV Over A Fireplace
It can be a little tricky knowing where to start if you choose to hang a tv over a fireplace without the aid of a tv installation service. A task like this comes with a few different problems along with the obvious fire safety hazard connected to it. As an TV Installer, I’ve installed numerous TVs over fireplaces. I’ll post a couple pictures of my installations, to give a good ideal of the outcome. I’ll also attempt to answer the most ask questions I get. Can you sit a TV on a mantle? While sitting your newly purchase TV on […]
5 Companies Who Mount TVs
. . 5 Companies Who Mounts TVs So you recently bought a new TV and would like to hang it on your wall. Finding the right guy for the job may seem like a task. There are lots of factors like experience, price and location that play a role in making a good decision. There are several national companies who mount TVs, today I would like to give you some options as to which companies are best. Lets start… 1. Handy Handy started as a service for house cleaning and branch into handyman services They have an easy ordering system […]
6 Things You Should Know Before You Mount Your TV
. 6 Things You Should Know Before You Mount Your TV Hi, My Name is Mario, and I’ve been a TV installer for 4 years. I’d like to give you some quick answers about TV mounting without playing phone tag with your local TV installer. If you’ve just moved into a new place or purchase a new TV? Chances are your looking to get your Flat screen TV mounted to the wall. After several conversations with my clients, I’ve come to realize that most people would like to mount their TV for Two Reasons. I’ll explain those reasons through out […]